I wonder if anyone was around/ Mid 1950s /in ALEY/Lebanon, a summer holiday resort we climbed every year in the 1950s WITH OUR PARENTS? As a child i had a very sweet tooth as they say,my partiality was for L'ECLAIRS GATEAUX? Oval beriosh shaped but stuffed with Delicious cream and topped by Chocolate seal?The thing is,i remember we The Kids used to wait impatiently outside their (1 )roomed bakery ..somewhere in the end side of ALEY,a JEWISH couple,Husband & wife used to make it for us,and other shops?! I was addicted to it,as fresh and warm and made by clean tools around!..YES, in my passed years i ate many many Eclaires,but none were as sweet and appetite wetter than the ones THEY..made in 1950s ALEY ?Believe me!..if you can help tell me on this site..Please?Whenever!!Much OBLIGED,and thank you in advance for your expected help/Regards from IS'HAK!
Shabbat shalom!
I wonder if anyone was around/ Mid 1950s /in ALEY/Lebanon, a summer holiday resort we climbed every year in the 1950s WITH OUR PARENTS? As a child i had a very sweet tooth as they say,my partiality was for L'ECLAIRS GATEAUX? Oval beriosh shaped but stuffed with Delicious cream and topped by Chocolate seal?The thing is,i remember we The Kids used to wait impatiently outside their (1 )roomed bakery ..somewhere in the end side of ALEY,a JEWISH couple,Husband & wife used to make it for us,and other shops?! I was addicted to it,as fresh and warm and made by clean tools around!..YES, in my passed years i ate many many Eclaires,but none were as sweet and appetite wetter than the ones THEY..made in 1950s ALEY ?Believe me!..if you can help tell me on this site..Please?Whenever!!Much OBLIGED,and thank you in advance for your expected help/Regards from IS'HAK!
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